How should I wire (and how do I control) a "A6276EA-T" to a arduino mega???

Great chip. I used two of them in series connection for a 5x5x5 led cube. Hardware interfacing is pretty simple, you just need three arduino digital outputs, one for clock, data, and latch pins. The intergrated constant current output stages are what really make this chip a component saver for led projects. Here is a the interrupt ISR code I used to shift 32 bits out to the two series connected shift registers upon every 2 millsec interrupt. I used the Mstimer2 library to generate the timing interrupts, so all 5 levels would be resfreshed every 10 millisecs. While I shifted out 32 bits for each level, only 25 were used (5x5 leds per level) as it was easier deal with full unsigned long variable arrays used to hold the pattern data.

// Start of Interrupt routine for driving a display cube row, all 5 rows (levels) are driven over a 10msec period (5 x 2msec)

void refresh_display() {
if (!updateinprogress) {
unsigned long shiftdata = active_display[active_row]; // get row data for 25 leds
unsigned long shiftmask = 1;

for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // shift 32 bits (only 25 bits are wired up to cube) of data out for the 25 display columns

if (shiftdata & shiftmask) {
digitalWrite(dataPin, HIGH);
else {
digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW);

digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); // clock each bit into shift register
digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);

shiftmask = shiftmask * 2; //right shift bit mask one bit

if (active_row == 0) {
digitalWrite(row4Pin, LOW); // turn off row 4 driver if row 0 is now active, this is wrap around case
else {
digitalWrite((active_row + 1), LOW); // turn off driver from prior row update interrupt

digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); // turn on shift register output pins, column drivers
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
digitalWrite((active_row + 2), HIGH); // turn on active row driver transistor

// Set next active row number for next timer interrrupt
if (active_row >= 4) {
active_row = 0; // wraparound case
else {
active_row++; // increament row number for next interrupt cycle
} // end of ISR code
