Excel fonts editor-converter for Adafruit, UTFT, Squix, ILI9341_t3, OLED_I2C

Often ask how to create a large font. A large font can not be placed in one array, so divide it into several.

In the program FontForge I created a BDF version of the font with the size of 240 pixels from the font Young At Heart (the total size of the characters will be much smaller). Uploaded the BDF font to the editor from 48 to 57 characters (only digits). Then made removal of unnecessary rows from the top and bottom (delete rows). Made the figure 4 thinner using the cut-paste. Set the font width to 100 and aligned the characters horizontally - first made move char to right for all characters, then manually move digit 1 and 4. Example in a file YoungAtHeart100x180nums.zip

YoungAtHeart100x180nums.zip (4.25 KB)