[Improvements]Things to make for the Materia 101

I've successfully printed and mounted the fan shroud on my printer, even though I could only mount it with a single screw to the carriage as my version of the printer doesn't have a hole in the top right of the flange, so I'll probably modify one of the pieces in the shroud to fiit my version.
Anyways, the shroud is working fine, but I figured out that before I mounted it the fan was also blowing on the plastic part (ptfe? not sure) that is holding the nozzle tip, and now it of course isn't.

Is that a problem, since now the barrell isn't cooled anymore?
As I've already seen a few posts from people whose barrell melted and they had to buy a new one for 45-60€, will it cause problems to my printer?

Noise levels increased a bit, but I think this is obvious since air is forced through a small pipe at relatively high speed.
