LK162-12 lLCDi2c libraby link broken i need

I have a LK162-12 matrix orbital display. The link for the i2c library is broken here is the playground tutorial Arduino Playground - LCDi2c

I tried going serial and the example was real old, the i2c seemed like it was more supported but go figure the link i need its broken just trying to make any headway.

I downloaded the from does that include the LK162-12 library?

Hello still wondering if anyone out there that is using a Matrix Orbital LK162-12 Dispplay has the library for it or a valid link to it for download.

The link in the playground doesn't work. Please anyone.... It just seems all the things I tried either the code in the playground or the link like this one has defeated me and been utterly outdated. Not very helpful for me=(

Hello :slight_smile:

Maybe this will help?

Thank you so much i believe that is what i was looking for. Karma Up~!