ROM-Reader for Super Nintendo / Super Famicom Game Cartridges

The erase didn’t work

Try to replace the erase command block with this, basically just adding the " << 1":
// Erase flash
writeByte_GB(0x555 << 1, 0xaa);
writeByte_GB(0x2aa << 1, 0x55);
writeByte_GB(0x555 << 1, 0x80);
writeByte_GB(0x555 << 1, 0xaa);
writeByte_GB(0x2aa << 1, 0x55);
writeByte_GB(0x555 << 1, 0x10);

Then check if it gets erased now.

This is the cart reader variant I want to build:
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That is a very old design. Only the newest PCB with the 4 slots is available on github. If you only need N64 just leave the other slots off.