DIY-Thermocam V2: A do-it-yourself thermal imager

I have not worked sensor ((tried everything that you can!
There is some way to test it on the performance?
My board Arduino Mega 2560
When I look through a serial port of the sensor is silent. White screen and all.
:frowning: :frowning:

I have not worked sensor ((tried everything that you can!
There is some way to test it on the performance?
My board Arduino Mega 2560
When I look through a serial port of the sensor is silent. White screen and all.
:frowning: :frowning:

Try this code:
It is a re-implementation of the code with a new I2C library.
Take care that the Pins for I2C are different on the arduino mega. They are located on digital pin 20 (SDA) and 21 (SCL).