new to displays and need direction and terminology help

i would like to get 2 of these little OLEDs and have a RPM one and a LOAD one in the same format as the rpm one in the picture
these are run off the analog pins or the Tx and Rx?

They are most likely I2C or SPI interface. Without knowing the exact display controller type, we can't say for sure.

Yes, you can. They look like SSD1306 SPI.

The displays in the photo are either SSD1306 or SH1106 (nearly identical in function). Based on the number of pins, they're connected via the SPI bus. If you only need two displays, the easiest setup is to use two I2C OLEDs (4 wires total). Set one to address 0x3C and the other to address 0x3D (jumper on the back) and they can share the same bus. My OLED library allows you to run multiple displays simultaneously on one or more I2C buses:

Larry's Multi-OLED library