Varying the pwm frequency for timer 0 or timer 2?

How to adjust Arduino PWM frequencies

Pins 5 and 6:

Setting Divisor Frequency
0x01 1 62500
0x02 8 7812.5
0x03 64 976.5625
0x04 256 244.140625
0x05 1024 61.03515625
TCCR0B = TCCR0B & 0b11111000 | <setting>;

Pins 9 and 10:

Setting Divisor Frequency
0x01 1 31250
0x02 8 3906.25
0x03 64 488.28125
0x04 256 122.0703125
0x05 1024 30.517578125
TCCR1B = TCCR1B & 0b11111000 | <setting>;

Pins 11 and 3:

Setting Divisor Frequency
0x01 1 31250
0x02 8 3906.25
0x03 32 976.5625
0x04 64 488.28125
0x05 128 244.140625
0x06 256 122.0703125
0x07 1024 30.517578125
TCCR2B = TCCR2B & 0b11111000 | <setting>;

All frequencies are in Hz and assume a 16000000 Hz system clock.