Servo object inside custom class not working

Yes, you have. These lines:

servo.attach(pin, min, max);


Shouldn't be in the constructor. They need to be in some method you can call from setup.

hmmm i updated my class to this
``class joint {
int angleMax; //upper limit of the servo
int angleMin; // lower limit of the servo
int secMax; // milisecond max
int secMin; // milisecond min
double angle; // current angle
double debug;
double ratio;
Servo servo; //servo object
double getAngle() {
return angle;

void writeAngle(double pos) {
angle = floor(pos * 100 + 0.5) / 100; // rounds angle to 2 decimal places
angle = constrain(angle, angleMin, angleMax); //safty to stop angle being greater then where it should move
int value;
value = round(angle * ratio) + secMin; //maps the angle to miliseconds
//debug = value;
servo.writeMicroseconds(value); //writes milis to the servo

void writeMicroS(int pos) {
pos = constrain(pos, secMin, secMax); //safty to mkae sure the angle is safe
angle = floor((pos - secMin) / ratio * 100 + 0.5) / 100; //converts milis to anlge

double getDebug() {
return servo.readMicroseconds();

void attach (byte pin, int min, int max, double startAngle, int pAngleMin = 0, int pAngleMax = 180) {
//set up for joint
angleMin = pAngleMin;
angleMax = pAngleMax;
secMin = min;
secMax = max;
servo.attach(pin, min, max);
ratio = double(secMax - secMin) / (angleMax - angleMin);

and called that method in the setup

joint shoulderIn;
joint shoulderOut;
joint upperArm;
joint elbow;
joint wristIn;
joint wristOut;

void setup() {

	shoulderIn.attach(13, 500, 2500, 0);
	shoulderOut.attach(12, 500, 2550, 90);
	upperArm.attach(11, 550, 2400, 0);
	elbow.attach(10, 700, 2300, 0, 0, 145);
	wristIn.attach(9, 500, 2500, 90);
	wristOut.attach(8, 500, 2500, 90);


but it hasnt seemed to make any difference