Connecting a graphical LCD via a I2C using a 16-bit port expander

Thanks for the comments! Much appreciated.

I tried adding the write-through cache, which I had initially resisted as it was gobbling up a lot of RAM, but admittedly you might have it free.

My measured figures certainly showed a big performance improvement, particularly for large pixel-based operations (eg. filling a large box). It was approximately twice as fast (I'm not sure I would call it "huge" but maybe that's a matter of opinion).

For example, executing this line:

  lcd.fillRect (20, 20, 50, 50, 1);
  • Without cache: 4.686 seconds
  • With cache: 2.586 seconds

Maybe I didn't do it as efficiently as possible. I understand caching, but since I was allowing for multiple displays the cache was a member variable of the lcd class, so accessing it was a couple of dereferences.

I would be more excited if the time went from 4 seconds to 0.4 seconds. :slight_smile:

In terms of speed, the original is really quite fast for something like showing a bar graph of volume, temperature, etc.

For example, this test code here:

int sensorPin = A0;    // select the input pin for the potentiometer
char buf [20];

void loop () 
  // read the value from the sensor:
  int sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);   

  // draw bar
  lcd.clear (0, 16, sensorValue / 10, 23, 0xFF);  
  lcd.clear (sensorValue / 10 + 1, 16, 127, 23, 0);  
  lcd.gotoxy (0, 32);
  lcd.clear (0, 32, 127, 39);
  sprintf (buf, "Value: %i", sensorValue);
  lcd.string (buf);  
  delay (100);
}  // end of loop

This read (random noise) from A0 and displayed a bar using the (fast) clear routine. It also showed the value as a number. This ran so fast it flickered annoyingly, hence the 100 ms loop to slow it down a bit.

So I think a bit of careful screen layout, allowing for the more efficient use of boxes aligned on vertical 8-pixel boundaries, is what really speeds things up. Basically you reduce having to do 8 writes to the LCD screen down to one write, which is the big time-saver.

I didn't really emphasise it before, but with the I2C approach you could easily enough have multiple LCD screens, all connected to the same 2 pins on the Arduino. So for a project that needed to show a lot of data, that could be ideal. Of course, they are sharing the same data bus so throughput would be down a bit, but if the important thing to you is to show a lot of data, rather than updating it really quickly, that could be a nice solution.