How to expand the storage memory on the Yún

As for the C compiler, it is now available via opkg.

opkg update
opkg install binutils
opkg install make
opkg install tar
opkg install yun-gcc

I installed it on my yun expanded on an SD.

I was very impressed by it's performance.

while I was at it, I installed make, gvim-full, and bash.

I was a little disappointed not to find flex and bison (gnu versions of lex and yacc) as I use the frequently
in my development environments.

I added a user other than root as I learned the danger of working as root long ago. If you unwittingly do
something like rm * in a directory that you don't think you're in it can be catastrophic!

Since I found no admin tool such as user add, I did it the old way:

edit /etc/group and add slh:x:200:

edit /etc/passwd and add slh:x:200:200:slh:/home/slh:/bin/bash

edit /etc/passwd and add slh:x:200:200:slh:/home/slh:/bin/bash

mkdir /home/slh

chown slh:slh /home/slh

passwd slh

I installed and configured sudo since there is no su command. This enables me to do sudo bash to temporarly become root.

I hope I didn't overlook anything in my instructions. Enjoy!