Trouble sending IR command to rc curtains

See attached screen shot for a visual of your erod signals. The second green burst seems to be the closest to a real signal which matches one of the codes exactly, although the timings may be a bit out.

I have imported the raw signal dumps into AnalysIR & exported the useful codes for sendRAW with IRremote below, one for the panasonic and the best version of the erod captured.
If you look at the erod signals in the screenshot, the top centre one matches one of your codes (Close- 110100100000) and the others seem to be degraded version of the same signal.

So try sending both signals (not in the same sketch)

Automatically Generated by AnalysIR - Batch Export Utility
Registered to: xxxxxxxx
Session History
Type : Key : Value : Bits
0 : JAPANESE : Pana1 : 40040100BCBD : 48
2 : RAW : erod1 :  : 0

// NB: Not all protocols are supported by IRremote or IRLib. You may need to edit the code below manually
// Automatically Generated by AnalysIR for xxxxxxxx, visit or email info@....... for further details
int khz=38; //NB Change this default value as neccessary to the correct modulation frequency

unsigned int Signal_Pana1_0[] = {3496,1700,480,388,484,1256,476,396,476,392,480,392,480,392,480,388,476,396,476,392,480,392,480,388,484,388,484,384,484,1256,480,392,480,392,480,388,484,388,484,384,476,396,476,392,480,392,480,392,480,1260,484,384,476,396,476,392,480,392,480,392,480,388,484,388,476,392,480,1260,484,388,480,1260,476,1264,480,1260,484,1256,476,396,476,396,476,1264,480,388,484,1260,472,1268,476,1264,472,1268,476,392,480,1264,476}; //AnalysIR Batch Export - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_Pana1_0, sizeof(Signal_Pana1_0)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: JAPANESE, Key:  Pana1

unsigned int Signal_erod1_2[] = {,948,184,948,184,376,752,952,180,380,752,380,752,948,160,400,752,384,748,380,752,380,748,384}; //AnalysIR Batch Export - RAW

irsend.sendRaw(Signal_erod1_2, sizeof(Signal_erod1_2)/sizeof(int), khz); //AnalysIR Batch Export - RAW
 // AnalysIR IR Protocol: RAW, Key:  erod1

Tip: if the erod one doesn't work try changing the khz value to 56, 40, and 36 instead of 38 (My bet is on 56kHz)

If all else fails I can look into re-constructing the timings for the erod, for more accuracy