Calculating position displacement using accelerometer and Gyroscope?


Actually i'm working with a little project, and a part of this project it's calculate de 3D position using the accelerometer/gyro. I'm searching and reading a lot of information, but it's very complicated, more than I expected. Exist any libraries to work with the kalman filter, position calculation, euler angles, etc?


Position calculation is not practical with consumer grade accelerometers and gyros. Read about the problems here.

But I see a lot of projects using sensors and arduino, for tracking a 3D space coords, and they work great. I don't understand why you say "is not practical with consumer grade".

Currently, I have GY-80 and other sensors to practice.

But I see a lot of projects using sensors and arduino, for tracking a 3D space coords, and they work great.

What projects and what sensors?
What do you mean by "work great"?
If you think the problem has been solved, why did you bother to post your question?

I don't understand why you say "is not practical with consumer grade".

Then you did not read or understand the material in the link I posted.

Projects like this:

I understand that are not precise calculation coords, because of the "digital noise" and gravity factor, but using filter like kalman and similars they can correct a little or so they say in several places.

No matter if it's not entirely accurate, I want to try and experience if I can improve accuracy using OpenCV, so I was interested in the calculations.

Sorry for my bad English!

If you like videos, see this one: Pure IMU-based Positional Tracking is a No-go - YouTube
Title: "Pure IMU-based Positional Tracking is a No-go"

Good luck with your project!