“No devices found on COM”

I have an Arduino due board, and I am using windows 7 system(64-bit), Arduino ide 1.5.1r2. Using programming port to upload programs
when I upload my programs to the Arduino due board. The IDE always shows that

Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port COM2
XX/XX/XX/tools/bossac.exe --port=COM2 -U false -e -w -v -b
No device found on COM2

Actually I found one solution for this, before uploading the Programs, I just press “erase” button first and hold for seconds, then press "Reset" button,then release “erase” button, finally release "Reset" button. Just clear the program inside manually before uploading.
Then I can upload my programs successfully. But I think When I uploading the new program, the older one should be erase automatically, if
every time I need to erase manually, it isn't so convenient. Did anyone has similar experience on that? How to solve this problem.

Did anyone has similar experience on that?

Mine worked exactly like the other Arduinos, but then I am on a Mac.


Did anyone has similar experience on that?

Mine worked exactly like the other Arduinos, but then I am on a Mac.

That explains why you're so grumpy..

Check to make sure you installed the driver after windows detects it (comes with Arduino's IDE)

That explains why you're so grumpy..

That explains why you're so grumpy..

No it's ********* like you that make me grumpy. You know the sort that are not willing to listen and learn, who just ignorantly go about spreading rubbish.



Did anyone has similar experience on that?

Mine worked exactly like the other Arduinos, but then I am on a Mac.

That explains why you're so grumpy..

Check to make sure you installed the driver after windows detects it (comes with Arduino's IDE)

Yes, I am sure that I installed the driver, IDE dectected it. By the way, I try to use another Arduino due board with same setting. It works quite well, I mean no need to erase and reset manually, just upload the new program will replace the old one automatically. It reminds me that if there is something wrong with my Arduino due board?

It could be because of the sketch in your Arduino.
Does it have the loop that waits for the serial port to be established?

It could be because of the sketch in your Arduino.
Does it have the loop that waits for the serial port to be established?

No, actually, I found a similar topic from:
No, it's not similar, it just the same. But it seems that there are no optimal solutions now.I think I will try the native port.