SPIMemory library - Formerly SPIFlash - now supports SPI FRAM as well! :)

Thanks for the Reply:

I found what I was looking for by the example posted below. I will store coordinates from a gps module and just needed single increments of the address block versus using the (page,offset) method. Just helps to keep the code clean.

... The following will successively write to the memory chip and all I would need to do is keep track of which element was last written to.


uint32_t addy =0x0000;
uinit8_t cnt=0;

// This will count to 0x3eb ...(decimal 1000) and the counter will increment by 1 and reset at 250: repeats 4 times

for (addy = 0x0000; addy <= 0x3eb; addy+=0x1) {

flash.writeByte(addy, cnt, true);
else cnt++;

for (addy= 0x0000; addy <= 0x3eb; addy+=0x1) {
Serial.println(flash.readByte(addy, false));

The SPI library you have made is amazing... I will update to the latest version and look forward to utilizing the last known memory allocation to make things easier.