Timer Interrupts on Due

A "Handler" is a default callback function, in this case, called when the timer is triggered.
In order to "reset" the timer, and let's say, "tell the uController that you handled the callback", you must reset a flag (the one in the first line), otherwise, it would get into a infinite loop, as the flag is not erased.

If you wish, you can use my library, where all timers are fully implemented: GitHub - ivanseidel/DueTimer: ⏳ Timer Library fully implemented for Arduino DUE

Hope it helps! (Library is commented, so it might help...)

Thanks for your response.

Actually I have used your header file + Simple timer but I dunno why pin 13 does not blink. Should I change it somewhere?

I merge two files as I couldn't use them separately as follows.

DueTimer.h - DueTimer header file, definition of methods and attributes...
For instructions, go to https://github.com/ivanseidel/DueTimer

Created by Ivan Seidel Gomes, March, 2013.
Released into the public domain.

#ifdef __arm__

#ifndef DueTimer_h
#define DueTimer_h

#include "Arduino.h"

#include <inttypes.h>

class DueTimer
int timer; // Stores the object timer id (to access Timer struct array)
static int _frequency[9]; // Stores the object timer frequency (to access know current timer period, frequency...)

static uint8_t bestClock(uint32_t frequency, uint32_t& retRC); // Picks the best clock to lower the error

struct Timer
Tc *tc;
uint32_t channel;
IRQn_Type irq;

static DueTimer getAvaliable();

static const Timer Timers[9]; // Store timer configuration (static, as it's fix for every object)
static void (*callbacks[9])(); // Needs to be public, because the handlers are outside class

DueTimer(int _timer);
DueTimer attachInterrupt(void (*isr)());
DueTimer detachInterrupt();
DueTimer start(long microseconds = -1);
DueTimer stop();
DueTimer setFrequency(long frequency);
DueTimer setPeriod(long microseconds);

long getFrequency();
long getPeriod();

extern DueTimer Timer; // Just to call Timer.getAvaliable instead of Timer::getAvaliable()

extern DueTimer Timer0;
extern DueTimer Timer1;
extern DueTimer Timer2;
extern DueTimer Timer3;
extern DueTimer Timer4;
extern DueTimer Timer5;
extern DueTimer Timer6;
extern DueTimer Timer7;
extern DueTimer Timer8;


#pragma message("Ops! Trying to include DueTimer on another device?")


int myLed = 13;

bool ledOn = false;
void myHandler(){
ledOn = !ledOn;

digitalWrite(myLed, ledOn); // Led on, off, on, off...

void setup(){
pinMode(myLed, OUTPUT);

Timer3.start(50000); // Calls every 50ms

void loop(){

// I'm stuck in here! help me...
