Excel fonts editor-converter for Adafruit, UTFT, Squix, ILI9341_t3, OLED_I2C

First of all, GREAT tool! It really helped me a lot since I tried multiple converters and if they even worked they weren't really usable.

Currently I'm converting the DejaVuMono font in size 112pt with the fontconvert tool from the Adafruit GFX library.
After that, in your converter I remove some not needed lines and move the chars to the left.
The problem is, I have the chars , / - / + which take a full width, while they only need a bit of space.

I export to a fonts C file using UTFT glyph0, since I use the UTFT library with your binFonts library.

Do you know how or is there a possibility to change the char width for specific chars?
Or is there another option I'm missing out?

I already tried to modify the "width" / "corr" field but this doesn't work (as far as I can see the corr field get's overwritten due to the whole font size).

Currently for temperature display it looks like this:

  • 13, 53

Instead of