New UTFT Lib

Mine worked and seemed to work after... I did the calibration, But I don't remember If I re compiled and reloaded the sketch... After.
I've been really pleased with the whole package..., Fonts, Icons and the UTFT package as well, Surprisingly one of the very few... with an instruction manual that is accurate too.
I bought 2 (A Really Long Story) 4D Systems 3.2 PT SGC displays and found these to be easier to use (Itead Studios TFT_320QUT) than the really expensive ($80.00 US) 4D things.
I can buy a display and shield for less than $30.00 US ($21 - $25.00 US) and have about 50% of the 4D Systems displays...
The really essential parts. The rest is really nice too but not required in anything I'm doing in the near future.
