Parallel Robot/Stewart Platform Code not working.

Hello all,

I have recently built a Stewart Platform with 6 mini-linear actuators as the arms. They have a max travel of 30mm. I have written some code to control home position translation,
the three rotations (pitch, yaw, roll)
and z and y translations.
However, it seems that my robot cannot stay level when I attempt to move in the x-direction (left and right when viewed from the front)

I have posted the code. Maybe the numbering is wrong on my actuators? That is the only solution I can think of right now. The math is also included in excel format.


#include <Servo.h>
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
double z = 0;
double psi = 0;               // yaw nothing more than .4  // z-axis
double theta = 0;           //roll nothing more than .2 // y-axis
double phi = 0;              //pitch nothing more than .2 // x-axis

double pi = 3.1415;

double M[3][3];
double rxp[3][6];
double L[3][6];
double T[3];
double H[3] = {0,0,115.79};

double Len[6];

int pulse[6];

Servo S[6];
int pins[6] = {3,5,6,9,10,11};

void setup()
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)


void loop()
	//for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)

double rad(double a)
	return a*pi/180;

void getmatrix()
	M[0][0] = cos(psi)*cos(theta);
	M[0][1] = -sin(psi)*cos(phi)+cos(psi)*sin(theta)*sin(phi);
	M[0][2] = sin(psi)*sin(phi)+cos(psi)*cos(phi)*sin(theta);
	M[1][0] = sin(psi)*cos(theta);
	M[1][1] = cos(psi)*cos(phi)+sin(psi)*sin(theta)*sin(phi);
	M[1][2] = -cos(psi)*sin(phi)+sin(psi)*sin(theta)*cos(phi);
	M[2][0] = -sin(theta);
	M[2][1] = cos(theta)*sin(phi);
	M[2][2] = cos(theta)*cos(phi);

void getrxp()
	rxp[0][0] = M[0][0]*(27.28)+M[0][1]*(27.3)+M[0][2]*0;
	rxp[1][0] = M[1][0]*(27.28)+M[1][1]*(27.3)+M[1][2]*0;
	rxp[2][0] = M[2][0]*(27.28)+M[2][1]*(27.3)+M[2][2]*0;

	rxp[0][1] = M[0][0]*(37.28)+M[0][1]*(9.98)+M[0][2]*0;
	rxp[1][1] = M[1][0]*(37.28)+M[1][1]*(9.98)+M[1][2]*0;
	rxp[2][1] = M[2][0]*(37.28)+M[2][1]*(9.98)+M[2][2]*0;

	rxp[0][2] = M[0][0]*(10)+M[0][1]*(-37.27)+M[0][2]*0;
	rxp[1][2] = M[1][0]*(10)+M[1][1]*(-37.27)+M[1][2]*0;
	rxp[2][2] = M[2][0]*(10)+M[2][1]*(-37.27)+M[2][2]*0;

	rxp[0][3] = M[0][0]*(-10)+M[0][1]*(-37.27)+M[0][2]*0;
	rxp[1][3] = M[1][0]*(-10)+M[1][1]*(-37.27)+M[1][2]*0;
	rxp[2][3] = M[2][0]*(-10)+M[2][1]*(-37.27)+M[2][2]*0;

	rxp[0][4] = M[0][0]*(-37.28)+M[0][1]*(9.98)+M[0][2]*0;
	rxp[1][4] = M[1][0]*(-37.28)+M[1][1]*(9.98)+M[1][2]*0;
	rxp[2][4] = M[2][0]*(-37.28)+M[2][1]*(9.98)+M[2][2]*0;

	rxp[0][5] = M[0][0]*(-27.28)+M[0][1]*(27.3)+M[0][2]*0;
	rxp[1][5] = M[1][0]*(-27.28)+M[1][1]*(27.3)+M[1][2]*0;
	rxp[2][5] = M[2][0]*(-27.28)+M[2][1]*(27.3)+M[2][2]*0;

void getT()
	T[0] = x+H[0];
	T[1] = y+H[1];
	T[2] = z+H[2];

void getL()
	L[0][0] = T[0]+rxp[0][0]-(51.29);
	L[1][0] = T[1]+rxp[1][0]-(41.26);
	L[2][0] = T[2]+rxp[2][0]-(0);

	L[0][1] = T[0]+rxp[0][1]-(61.29);
	L[1][1] = T[1]+rxp[1][1]-(23.84);
	L[2][1] = T[2]+rxp[2][1]-(0);

	L[0][2] = T[0]+rxp[0][2]-(10);
	L[1][2] = T[1]+rxp[1][2]-(-65);
	L[2][2] = T[2]+rxp[2][2]-(0);
	L[0][3] = T[0]+rxp[0][3]-(-10);
	L[1][3] = T[1]+rxp[1][3]-(-65);
	L[2][3] = T[2]+rxp[2][3]-(0);

	L[0][4] = T[0]+rxp[0][4]-(-61.29);
	L[1][4] = T[1]+rxp[1][4]-(23.84);
	L[2][4] = T[2]+rxp[2][4]-(0);

	L[0][5] = T[0]+rxp[0][5]-(-51.29);
	L[1][5] = T[1]+rxp[1][5]-(41.26);
	L[2][5] = T[2]+rxp[2][5]-(0);

void getLen()
	int initLen = 119; // must be 119
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		Len[i] = sqrt(L[0][i]*L[0][i]+L[1][i]*L[1][i]+L[2][i]*L[2][i])-initLen;

void getPulses()
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		pulse[i] =  map(Len[i],0,30,1000,2000);
void runservos()
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		S[i].write(map(pulse[i],1000,2000,45,180)); //MATH
                //S[i].write(45);                  //HOME

Here is the excel table which is all the math.

(mm) (DEG) (RAD)
x 0 psi 0 0
y 0 theta 0 0
z 0 phi 0 0

Home T
x 0 0
y 0 0
z 115.79 115.79

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
x 27.28 37.28 10 -10 -37.28 -27.28
y 27.3 9.98 -37.27 -37.27 9.98 27.3
z 0 0 0 0 0 0

b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6
x 51.29 61.29 10 -10 -61.29 -51.29
y 41.26 23.84 -65 -65 23.84 41.26
z 0 0 0 0 0 0

R Transform Matrix
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1

27.28 37.28 10 -10 -37.28 -27.28
27.3 9.98 -37.27 -37.27 9.98 27.3
0 0 0 0 0 0

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
x -24.01 -24.01 0 0 24.01 24.01
y -13.96 -13.86 27.73 27.73 -13.86 -13.96
z 115.79 115.79 115.79 115.79 115.79 115.79

length 119.07 119.06 119.06 119.06 119.06 119.07

servo out 15.0742869 15.06260454 15.06417177 15.06417177 15.06260454 15.0742869 -0.011682356