Decoding RF signal from Ambient Weather Thermo-Hygrometer

Hi Tops,

Well done. You have certainly done some excellent research. I have been helping another person tracking down their weather station decoding on different thread and over the weekend I have tried to produce a general purpose Manchester decoder that people can use to at least get the raw binary in bytes from their weather stations or what ever. I would expect that once they have achieved that much they will then be happy go on to decipher the packet code add their own calculations etc

You can find the Debug program here:
GitHub - robwlakes/ArduinoWeatherOS: Arduino Uno, 433MhzRx and OS WMR86 Weather Station and it's called DebugManchester.ino.

It would seem that you have got some solid data of 960uS for the bitWaveform duration. So in the program I have tried to produce (above) try using sDelay=240, and and lDelay=480, and use Polarity= 1, ie negative polarity. ( the first 960approx pause is low, so the rising edge at the end of that is a 0, so lo->hi=0). I disagree with how you have interpreted the timings. I think it should decode as 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1. (My commas separate the bit waveforms, and approx 960 is a full waveform).

Pin = High for 492 usec  hi
Pin = Low  for 476 usec  lo = = 1,
Pin = High for 488 usec  hi
Pin = Low  for 484 usec lo  ==1,
Pin = High for 484 usec  hi
Pin = Low  for 492 usec  lo ==1,
Pin = High for 472 usec  hi
Pin = Low  for 488 usec lo == 1,
Pin = High for 484 usec  hi
Pin = Low  for 484 usec  lo ==1,
Pin = High for 488 usec  hi
Pin = Low  for 484 usec  lo ==1,
Pin = High for 476 usec   hi
Pin = Low  for 968 usec  lo ==1, lo    
Pin = High for 980 usec   hi ==0, hi
Pin = Low  for 960 usec  lo ==1, lo
Pin = High for 1004 usec hi ==0, hi
Pin = Low  for 920 usec   lo ==1, lo

Hopefully this will make good use of your excellent efforts so far and give you the bytes you are looking for. I have tried to produce a recipe style program so change those 3 values in the set up, and hopefully you will see results :cold_sweat: There is also a short guide to how to use the program called

Let me know how you go...

Cheers, Rob