Varying the pwm frequency for timer 0 or timer 2?

Ok, just done the test with this code and for me it works fine

#include <util/delay_basic.h>

int outputPsuB = 12;  // Timer1-B
int outputPsuC = 13;  // Timer1-C

unsigned long time;

void setup()
// PSU outputs via timer1
  pinMode(outputPsuB, OUTPUT);  // select Pin as ch-B
  pinMode(outputPsuC, OUTPUT);  // select Pin as ch-C

  TCCR1A = B00101001; // Phase and frequency correct PWM change at OCRA
  TCCR1B = B10101;  // System clock / 1024 from prescaler
  OCR1A = 10000; // 0.78125 Hz
  OCR1B = 7500; // 75% PWM
  OCR1C = 500; // 5% PWM
  TCCR0A = TCCR0A & 0x3F; // disable OC0A from timer0

void loop()
  Serial.print("Time: ");
  time = millis();
  //prints time since program started
  // wait a second so as not to send massive amounts of data

The terminal gives these values and I have correct PWM on pin 12 & 13:

Time: 4
Time: 1012
Time: 2023
Time: 3034
Time: 4045
Time: 5056
Time: 6067
Time: 7078
Time: 8090
Time: 9101
Time: 10113
Time: 11125
Time: 12137

Now if I remove the timer1 & timer0 specific initialization in setup(), I get same Time code log computed by millis() except there will be no PWM modulating pin 12 & pin 13.

Let me know if this fits what you wanted to test !