Excel fonts editor-converter for Adafruit, UTFT, Squix, ILI9341_t3, OLED_I2C

New version 0.2.6

Big changes. Greatly accelerated reading of files, it became much more comfortable to work. Improved parsing C, added quotes processing. Implemented adding a font to an existing file with the replacement of the existing font. When adding a font to an existing file with the fonts of another library or any other code, be careful of the directives that are added with the font. Added color modes, second block for regional symbols, zoom view mode. Zoom modes you can create any yourself, see the description R1C52 on sheet Manual.
The negative offset value along the Y axis now means the number of rows from the bottom to the first. The sign of the value of the offset along the X axis does not currently matter, only the value modulo.

  • Added support for ILI9341_t3 library. While without unicode table.
  • Added support for OLED_I2C library. Don't sure about fonts whose height is not multiple of 8, check please who use this library.