LCD display with ILI9341 driver on Arduino

@daniel, I tried also with my Arduino Nano V.3 (a clone) and it work.
My Arduino Nano is at 5V, so I used my little conversion board.

I attach the library I used (a file rar). The library you post is different from my. I tested on Nano using the example named text.ino
In this library pins are fixed (obviously for SCK/MISO/MOSI):
D5 : CS
D6 : D/C
D7 : LED
D11 : MOSI
D12 : MISO
D13 : SCK

In the TFT.h you attach, there is a note:

/// The Arduino LCD is a ST7735-based device. .....
class TFT : public Adafruit_ST7735 {
  TFT(uint8_t CS, uint8_t RS, uint8_t RST);

It is based and call also other library from Adafruits. But refer to ST7735 !?!?

The constructor is fixed: CS, RS (dc??), RST so this can work

//TFT TFTscreen = TFT(cs, rst, dc); //not work

ili9341.rar (379 KB)