NMEA 2000 Shield


Thanks timolappalainen to help me. But this doesn't work.

This is what i did in the first time:

  • I downloaded NMEA2000_mcp-master; NMEA2000-master; CAN_BUS_Shield-master-2
  • I test "DataDisplay2" but i don't work. They are "CAN device failed to open Running...CAN device failed to open all the time"


  • I test "receive_check.ino" in CAN_BUS_Shield-master-2. I change "Slave select" of SPI (const int SPI_CS_PIN = 9;) because in my seeed CAN shield (v1-2) the CS (SS) is in 10. After I changed (const int SPI_CS_PIN =10) he tell me "CAN BUS Shield init ok!" but nothing else.


  • I return in "DataDisplay2.ino" i connect the pin10 in pin9 (I twisted the pin and i connected a wire between pin 10 to 9 because i don't know where i can change the instruction in your software) but he tells me all time the same message (CAN device failed to open Running...CAN device failed)
    In the same time i changed #define N2k_CAN_INT_PIN 21 to 2 (because I tested electronically "INT" of my MCP2515 is connected to the pin 2 of arduino MEGA2560)

You know why my system doesn't work.