Backlight and I2C on LCD Display

Hello, I have a backlight enabled LCD that I'm using together with the PCF8574. The wiring and schematics is the same as found in this tutorial from Garagelab, the only difference is the 10k potentiometer that I simply change to a resistor.
As in the tutorial, I'm using the LiquidCrystal_I2C library found here. I've noticed that the library has some control for the backlight, however I'm not being able to use it (it changes nothing), am I missing some wiring? Or it may be another problem?
The function I'm talking about is the setBacklight(val), it changes nothing.
I do believe that the setContrast(val) wouldn't change anything as well, since I'm connecting the contrast pin directly on the GND with a resistor, however I haven't tested it.

Thanks for the help!

I believe you need another pin to control backlight. you need to define this backlighPin. You also need to use a transistor connected to the pin, and the LCD (A, K)