on a pesonal note...

How bizarre. Does the company keep the ID card?

Yes. Presumably they take it to keep you from using it, and cut it in half to prevent anyone else from using it till you've been flushed from the systems. THAT might take a while. It wasn't till saturday afternoon that my email stopped working, and sunday my VPN and one engineeing system was still working (but I could no longer log in.) I'm not sure how long the VPN would have stayed up; but I decided it wasn't worth keeping up just to access the one host... Interesting to follow, in a way...

Any words of wisdom for those still on the grind

  1. manage your career as well as just your job. Do you like exactly what you're doing now? It probably won't be something the company still finds valuable in 5 years, given Moore's law.
  2. don't let financial security interfere with the management of your career.
  3. Arrange for a manager that has good ideas about what you ought to be doing, from both your perspective and the company perspective.
  4. Keep up with the times.