highByte and lowByte removing leading zeros

Sorry, that comment should have been removed from the example code after i modified it.

Yes, that is the idea. However, when the code is run, it prints out the following


so below is what the code says, what it output, and what i expected;

10000 == 0010011100010000

Serial.println(High, BIN); // OUTPUT - 100111 // expected the first 8 digits of 0010011100010000

Serial.println(Low, BIN); // OUTPUT - 100000 // expected the last 8 digits of 0010011100010000

Serial.println(data_rec, BIN); // OUTPUT - 10000 // expected 0010011100010000 

Serial.println(data_rec); // OUTPUT - 16 // expected 10000

So there was an error in the line

 int data_rec = word(High<<&8, Low);

which i have now changed to

 int data_rec = (High<<8| Low);

and the final output works and gives the correct final integer. However, even then it is ommitting leading zeros with

Serial.println(data_rec, BIN); // OUTPUT - 10011100010000// expected 0010011100010000

so why are leading zeros ommitted and in future how can i stop this?
