Serial Monitor Messages with Board in Offline Mode

Having been successful with the MKR1000 board running anchored to desktops (with WiFi TCP/IP connectivity), I ventured to running it in offline mode. The basic Blink exercise worked fine (as far as the eye could see!).

However, it appears that if Serial commands are used then the corresponding Serial Monitor window must be open. I do not have any Serial commands in my Sketch but a 3rd party library does write to the Serial Monitor (and I have no way to disable it) only once to confirm the handshake. Subsequent operations by this library do not access the Serial Monitor.

What adjustments do I need to make to run the MKR1000 board in offline mode (but with WiFi connectivity, of course) such that the absence of an explicit Serial Monitor does not suspend the running sketch? I've read about placing a capacitor (i.e. 10 uf) between the RESET and VCC pins but I don't think that this is the answer for my sketch that relies on an external library for output to the Serial Monitor window.

Perhaps this is a general Arduino question. However, I would appreciate an answer specifically here so that I can apply it to the MKR1000 boards that I have before venturing to other boards.

Which "third party lib" ? (link required)
The basic Blink example does not use the serial connection so I am lost as to what sketch you are using ?

BTW if you post a sketch please use the code tags ( </> )

What do you actually mean by "offline" as I think you might be confused between offline and "stand-alone" where the MKR operates independent of a computer and can still send and receive data by itself.

Thanks for your reply.

I understand that Blink does not use the Serial library. That is indeed what led me to my naïve conclusion that the Serial Monitor window access is required for the 3rd party library (viz. MySQL Connector/Arduino).

I can use MKR1000 to exchange TCP traffic without being tethered to a desktop as long as I do not use the Serial library. My sketch does not use the Serial library but the 3rd party library logs a statement (that is displayed in the Serial Monitor window) after it connects to the networked MySQL instance. There is no other message to the Serial Monitor window either from the 3rd party library or my own code in the sketch. In fact I have removed all references to the Serial print/println statements in my sketch.

I simply want to understand if there is some NULL sink for the Serial statement if I "cannot" open a Serial Monitor window (this would be my workaround). I have no control on the sole connection message that is displayed (no documentation on how to suppress this message). I have not received any response from the author of the 3rd party library at Oracle MySQL forum on this question.

I apologize for not phrasing my question/inquiry correctly. I simply want to know if statements intended for display in the Serial Monitor windows can be alternatively routed to a sink since I do not know how to open a Serial Monitor window when the MKR1000 board is running in autonomous mode. (On a separate note, I noticed that UNO WiFi can communicate wirelessly but there is no such board support for MKR1000).


Serial statements can be routed to multiple sources by changing how they are sent.

Take a look at the example in the WiFi101 called "SimpleWebServerWiFi" In there you find a couple types of send and receive for characters and or strings in both serial and web base.

I use both types concurrently with "Thingspeak" so that I can read the output local or on the web simply by changing the type of print statement from either serial to client etc.

In some cases you need to understand how to form a string and include the preamble and terminator characters but quite often those are the only additions and not always needed depending on what is reading at the other end.

Thanks again. Please consider the matter closed.

I have used most of the WiFi101 samples successfully. That is not the issue. I don't have any ability to "chang… the type of print statement" at my end owing to the dependency on the MySQL Connector/Arduino library. (NO reply to my inquiry at that forum, as I respond to your current message). Appreciate your sincere efforts here nevertheless (I do have the expertise to do the changes you are suggesting...).
