How to connect ultrasonic sensor to arduino uno Esp8266

I am little bit confusion how to connect echo and trig pins of ultrasonic distance sensor to arduino uno and esp8266. I made connectin between Arduino uno and Esp8266 and it is connecting to wifi netwok. Now i want to read sensor data.

Anyone help me regarding this issue

Thanks in advance

Which of the two you want to connect the sensor to?
Actually it doesn't matter really - just take two pins, echo and trig, tell your sketch which ones you have, and you're good to go. Uses the exact same code for both processors.

Which of the two you want to connect the sensor to?
Actually it doesn't matter really - just take two pins, echo and trig, tell your sketch which ones you have, and you're good to go. Uses the exact same code for both processors.

Where do i program the code?? directly in esp8266 or in arduino uno board?

please help me this is a massive help in my thesis :frowning:

You normally program using an IDE such as the Arduino IDE, and then upload the compiled code onto the processor you want it to be on.

check this - HC_SR04_ESP8266_Serial_Demo.ino