need help useing a single digit 7 seg display

i want to be able to attach 2 and have it show a 2 digit variable. need detailed diy please. keep getting links to multi digit 7 segs. i have 2 single digits. so only help with that please.

Your title description is confusing - you mean using individual 7 segment displays.

You "convert" them into a multi digit display by connecting matching segments of each display together, so now you have eight "segment" lines and a common (whether it is cathode or anode) for each digit, then follow the instructions for multiplexing displays of the corresponding common cathode or common anode type.

You have two choices.

  1. Multiplex them with segments of both displays connected to the same pins.
  2. Wire each display to a separate pin using a shift register to extend the number of pins you have.

Or, don't multiplex them. Commit 14 pins to drive the 14 segments that make up the 2 seven-segment displays. Connecting each to a shift register is most straightforward way, then need only 3 pins to drive the displays.
Make an array with the mapping needed:
byte fontArray[] = {
0b00111111, // 0
0b00000110, // 1
etc up to 9.
bits are DP-g-f-e-d-c-b-a
f b
e c
d DP

then send the data to the shift registers using SPI (my favorite)
digitalWrite (ssPin, LOW); //
digitalWrite (ssPin, HIGH); //

With 74HC595:
D10 is ssPin, connects to RCK
D11 is MOSI, connects to Serial Data In
D13 is SCK, connects to SRCK
SRCLR/ connects to +5
G/ connects to Gnd