Welcome ArduinoDroid - Arduino IDE for Android

Hi all

I do like arduinodroid even i new in this environment, but when I try to compile sample or other projects using this library Adafruit_ssd1306 always comes with error message : class 'Adafruit_SSD1306' does not any field named wireClk and restoreClk.
And when I look into file Adafruit_SSD1306.cpp there is in last line writes ;

#if ARDUINO >= 157
uint32_t wireClk; // Wire speed for SSD1306 transfers
uint32_t restoreClk; // Wire speed following SSD1306 transfers

So I wondering what is wrong with this lines?
I try to compile on laptop with Arduino IDE 1.8.8 is just fine.
Please help how to pass through compiling with this kind of library.

Best regards
