Hydraulic press brake control via stepper driven valves.

Vlad sent this email to my plant:

Hi Paul.

You commented yesterday on the Arduino.cc forum : The correct logic for your situation is to designate ONE cylinder as MASTER and make the second cylinder follow it's movement.

Do you have any links to more information how to build this system for brake press to synchronise work for 2 hydraulic rams?

Any advice will be appreciative.



Naughty naughty!

My logic would be to continuously monitor the position of cylinder 1 and cylinder 2. The idea is to move cylinder 2 the correct direction to make it match cylinder 1.

Then check you foot control and move cylinder 1 if commanded to move. The above logic will make cylinder 2 move also.

The Arduino will be so fast it will seem like both cylinders are moving at the same time.

Otherwise you will need the expensive solution.
