(Resolved) Continue running one part of code while still checking other inputs?

That code actually flashes the lights UNLESS the switches are pressed/grounded (at least on my setup; my buttons are wired as per example "Push Button Control"). The lights flash, one twice as fast an the other, when the buttons aren't pressed.

How did you wire it up? The way I had it, the wires are not connected unless you "press" them which is grounding them. Thus with the pull-ups enabled, the default (off) position is HIGH, and when you press the switch the are LOW.

Hence this:

    digitalWrite (LeftBlink, !digitalRead (LeftBlink));

That reads the switch and the "!" is a "not" which means "reverse the logic", true becomes false, false becomes true.

Is toggleFast() a standard term?

I just made those functions as you can see in the code. You can make your own functions to make the code more modular and easier to read.