publicado en español: "30 proyectos con Arduino" de Simon Monk

para los que queremos iniciarnos pocas PUBLICACIONES EN ESPAÑOL podemos encontrar. en se ha publicado esTe libro de 30 PROYECTOS CON ARDUINO realizables en una sola tarde. creo que es perfecto para animar y enganchar a los jóvenes y no tan jóvenes con Arduino.

Can't you just google translate this so everyone else can read it?

for those who want to initiate us PUBLICATIONS IN SPANISH few can find. has been published in this book of 30 PROJECTS WITH ARDUINO achievable in a single afternoon. I think it's perfect to encourage and engage with young and not so young with Arduino.

Can't you just google translate this so everyone else can read it?

Anyone can use google translation to translate into English
Thank you to respect other languages??, they are also beautiful languages??.
International does not means only English.
The world is beautiful in its diversity.


Can't you just google translate this so everyone else can read it?

Anyone can use google translation to translate into English
Thank you to respect other languages??, they are also beautiful languages??.
International does not means only English.
The world is beautiful in its diversity.

I can say this without problem that most forum members that are not only in the regional subforum read a fair amount of English. If the OP wants to get the message out, then English translation should be supplied with original post, unless it's posted on the regional subforum. So you think "everyone else having to use google translate" is better than "one uses it so a lot of others don't have to", because some language is beautiful and represents diversity so should be posted even most readers can't read it? What's the beauty and diversity of that? It's gross ignorance to post on a forum that predominately uses one language with one's own other language, you only get very few percent that don't have to use a translator. Diversity means most people understand others' issues, it does not mean one can just speak a language and have others bear the burden to understand/translate it, while there's tools to do the translation for free. I think that is called babbling, meaning speaking different languages to a point that there's no common understanding.