Don't Format SD cards with OS utilities!

Always format SD cards using SD Formatter SD Memory Card Formatter for Windows/Mac | SD Association.

NEVER format SD card with OS utilities!

Here are some examples that show what can happen. First is an extreme case for determining free space on an SD. This type performance hit will also be true for seek.

Time to determine free space with a properly formatted card using the SdInfo sketch. See for more details on code.

Time 0.302 seconds.

millis: 302
freeClusters: 63883
freeSpace: 2093.32 MB (MB = 1,000,000 bytes)

Same card formatted FAT32 with small clusters on Windows.
34.885 seconds.

millis: 34885
freeClusters: 4033302
freeSpace: 2065.05 MB (MB = 1,000,000 bytes)

Here are results running the SdFat bench sketch on this card. Write takes about four times longer with FAT32 and small clusters.

Properly formatted card.

Type is FAT16
File size 5MB
Buffer size 100 bytes
Starting write test. Please wait up to a minute
Write 358.47 KB/sec
Maximum latency: 58888 usec, Minimum Latency: 84 usec, Avg Latency: 273 usec

Starting read test. Please wait up to a minute
Read 369.19 KB/sec
Maximum latency: 1912 usec, Minimum Latency: 84 usec, Avg Latency: 265 usec

Same card formatted FAT32 with small clusters on Windows.

Type is FAT32
File size 5MB
Buffer size 100 bytes
Starting write test. Please wait up to a minute
Write 89.43 KB/sec
Maximum latency: 117636 usec, Minimum Latency: 84 usec, Avg Latency: 1113 usec

Starting read test. Please wait up to a minute
Read 225.44 KB/sec
Maximum latency: 1920 usec, Minimum Latency: 80 usec, Avg Latency: 437 usec

These are extreme cases but I do often see this type problem so please use this formatter SD Memory Card Formatter for Windows/Mac | SD Association. It will always produce the optimum format for your card.


Karma Karma!
You saved my day!

Wow, OS formatting really isn't very helpful!

relevant.... thanx for the info... :slight_smile:

This also helps with PC reading and writing the same SD card. I have a 32GB SD card that I put in my Dell venue 8 pro. I formatted it in NTFS and the performance of my Dell's video recording was bad. I then reformatted with the formatter and now the video recording is working fine. It's just the SD card performance issue.

I do use the OS utilities to format an SD card but I use a more flexible OS -> Linux. So your advice is correct for Windows users but Linux users should use the internal command as the SD card association doesn't provide a formatting tool for Linux.

So on Linux users may issue the command:

mkfs.vfat -F 32 -s 64 -S 512 /dev/sdb1

given that the card is available as /dev/sdb on the system.
This command does the same as the formatter from the SD card association (use 32kB clusters with a FAT32 file system).

So on Linux users may issue the command:

Linux does not correctly format SD cards. You can only depend on the SD association's formatter to place file structures correctly to line up with flash chip boundaries. This is done by placing reserved blocks in the correct places in the file system.

I use Linux but not to format SD cards.

Unfortunately the SD association's standard for formatting SD cards is only available to members. I was able to access the standard as a consultant and implemented the SdFat formatter example according to this specification.

Here are results of using mkfs.vfat, the SD Association Formatter, and the SdFat formatter

Formatted with suggested mkfs.vfat command

Volume is FAT32
blocksPerCluster: 64
clusterCount: 973729
freeClusters: 973728
freeSpace: 31907.12 MB (MB = 1,000,000 bytes)
fatStartBlock: 64
fatCount: 2
blocksPerFat: 7616
rootDirStart: 2
dataStartBlock: 15296
Data area is not aligned on flash erase boundaries!
Download and use formatter from Consumers | SD Association!

Formatted with SD Associations formatter

Volume is FAT32
blocksPerCluster: 64
clusterCount: 973584
freeClusters: 973581
freeSpace: 31902.30 MB (MB = 1,000,000 bytes)
fatStartBlock: 9362
fatCount: 2
blocksPerFat: 7607
rootDirStart: 2
dataStartBlock: 24576

Formatted with SdFat formatter

Volume is FAT32
blocksPerCluster: 64
clusterCount: 973584
freeClusters: 973583
freeSpace: 31902.37 MB (MB = 1,000,000 bytes)
fatStartBlock: 9362
fatCount: 2
blocksPerFat: 7607
rootDirStart: 2
dataStartBlock: 24576

I did more tests with Linux and Windows. I don't have a new version of Mac OS X.

Windows 7/8 does a good job of reformatting a healthy SD card. Windows just cleans the card and preserves the correct SD format.

Windows 7/8 formats an erased SD as a super floppy but if you choose the correct cluster size, file structures are aligned well. The SD standard is for an MBR volume so this is not strictly correct.

Mac OS X adds lot of non-standard hidden files and directories. I have had OS X format an SD card GPT instead of MBR which is unusable on Arduino. I don't have a machine with a new version of OS X so I can't be sure if Mac OS X still formats SD cards incorrectly.

The mkfs.vfat command suggested by pylon is the worst case. The card is not MBR and file structures are miss-aligned. This command will not work for standard SD cards (2 GB or less).

Always format SD cards using SD Formatter SD Memory Card Formatter for Windows/Mac | SD Association.

NEVER format SD card with OS utilities!

Ok, ok, now what if you don't happen to be running Windoze or Max OS? And why should you trust that obscure company/organization, when they themselves declare:
SD Card Association assumes no responsibility regarding the accuracy of the information that is provided by SD Card Association and use of such information is at the recipient's own risk. SD Card Association provides no assurances that any reported problems may be resolved with the use of any information that SD Card Association provides.

while, on the other hand, they charge $2k to become a member?

Ok, ok, now what if you don't happen to be running Windoze or Max OS? And why should you trust that obscure company/organization, when they themselves declare:

Sadly this is the organization that all the big SD manufactures control and your SD card will be manufactured to their standards.

As I said before, the SD association specifies a specialized version of FAT16/FAT32 and now exFAT for SDXC cards that is optimal for the flash layout and chips used in SD cards.

What I don't understand is why Linux does not have a decent formatter for SD cards.

Linux has tables for handling quirks of USB flash keys and USB hard drives.

If you wish you can use my SdFormatter example in SdFat. It implements the SD associations standard which is specified in a 70 page Confidential document.

The document even specifies the MBR and uses it to control reserved space. You can't just decide on a partition size and location.

Here is an example of one algorithm for FAT12/FAT16 parameters from the standard with proprietary formulas and tables missing.

Annex: Format Parameter Computations

Data Area should be formatted by the following steps.

  1. Sectors per Cluster(SC) is determined from the area size.

  2. Number of Root-directory Entries(RDE) is 512.

  3. Sector Size(SS) is 512.

  4. Reserved Sector Count(RSC) is 1.

  5. Total Sectors(TS) is the number of all sectors of the area.

  6. FAT bits(12[FAT12], 16[FAT16]) is determined by SC and TS.

  7. Sectors per FAT(SF) is computed as following:
    (Standard has a proprietary formula)

  8. Number of sectors in the system area(SSA) is computed as following:
    (Standard has a proprietary formula)

  9. Number of Sectors in Master Boot Record(NOM) is computed as following:
    (Standard has a proprietary formula)

  10. If NOM isn’t equal to BU, NOM is added BU.

  11. Maximum Cluster Number(MAX) is computed as following:
    (Standard has a proprietary formula)

  12. Sectors per FAT(SF’) is recalculated as following:
    (Standard has a proprietary formula)

  13. If SF’ isn’t equal to SF, SF’ is used as SF. And recalculate from step 8.

  14. If SF’ is equal to SF, parameter computing is complete

1 Like

If u r using windows - Make it FAT32 or FAT16. Others dont work.

Found from Arduino SD Lib :slight_smile:

This is the Link for Sd Formatter :slight_smile:

If u r using windows - Make it FAT32 or FAT16. Others dont work.

If you format a card with Windows it will not comply with the SD standard. That's the point of this post.

I repeat, use SD Formatter and avoid potential problems that can be caused by the Windows formatter.

Found from Arduino SD Lib :slight_smile:

SD - Arduino Reference

Much of the write-up for the SD library is wrong. I wrote the old version of SdFat that is used in SD.h. Too bad the Arduino company has not fixed bugs in the code or the write-up for years.

Having Win XP/32 and Win7/64 I once used external SD formatting tools and always ran into SDinit/read/write issues for Arduinos (Mega, Due) repeatedly.

Now I'm just using standard Windows format (SD 1GB - 16GB, FAT16/FAT32) - and I'm completely fine with them.

I once used external SD formatting tools and always ran into SDinit/read/write issues for Arduinos (Mega, Due) repeatedly.

Yes there are external formatters that are worse than the Windows formatter.

No tool produces a better result than the SD association formatter since it produces the single format agreed to by the companies that make SD cards.

I wrote the base code for the standard Arduino SD library and it is optimized for the standard format published by the SD association. All versions of my SdFat library are tested with the standard format.

So if you use SD.h or SdFat, you should use the SD association formatter.

using SD formatter 4 I always have issues like before by Windows format:

1 GB SD: SD is not recognized when using SdFat.h

1 GB SD: SD is fine when using SD.h with either formatter,
16 GB SD: SD is fine with either formatter!

what's wrong with 1GB by SdFat.h ??

1 GB SD: SD is not recognized when using SdFat.h

Since you provided almost no information, no output or hardware description, I can't help much.

SD.h is just a wrapper around an old version of SdFat. The main difference is SD.h runs at a slower SPI rate, 4 MHz, vs 8 MHz for newer versions of SdFat.

Often a hardware/SD combination will run at 4 MHz but fail at 8 MHz.

You can set the set the SPI clock rate to 4 MHz with the SdFat begin() call.

sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED);

Please post complete info about you hardware , SD card model, your code, and output with error info.

effing board restriction to 9000 chars does not allow to post complete code.
Code runs on a DUE at most possible speed for the TFT (ILI9341_due lib, SPI clock up to 84 MHz),
for the SD card I didn't alter anything of the pre-settings.

SD cards are from Transcent, 1GB / 16GB, class 10.

#include <SPI.h>

#include <SdFat.h>
SdFat SD;

//#include <SD.h>

// **SNIP**

#define fileIO_OK            +1
#define fileIO_NO_ERR         0
#define fileIO_ERR_CREATE    -1
#define fileIO_ERR_OPEN      -2
#define fileIO_ERR_REMOVE    -3
#define fileIO_ERR_WRITE     -4
#define fileIO_ERR_READ      -5
#define fileIO_ERR_IMPLAUS   -6
#define fileIO_ERR_NAME      -8
#define fileIO_ERR_SDCARD   -16

// SD init

int16_t initSD() {
   char sbuf[128];
   uint32_t  tstamp;
   int16_t   ior=0;
   tstamp = clock();
   ior=SD.begin(sd_cs);  // 1==true on success; else 0==false
   while( !ior) {      
      sprintf(sbuf, "#: ...SD not found... ");  
      curlf(); lcdprint("#: ...SD not found... "); 
      if (clock()-tstamp>20000) {Serial.println("#: ...break!"); break; }
  if(!ior) return fileIO_ERR_SDCARD;     // SD ioresult==0 => error = -16 
  return fileIO_OK ;                     // SD ioresult==1 => ok = 1


void setup() {
   char sbuf[128];   
   int32_t  i=0;
   // Serial terminal window
   Serial.print("Serial started, baud="); Serial.println(i);
   // TFT LCD
   LCDTYPE = _ILI9341_;
   Serial.print("init LCD..."); 


   Serial.println(" done.");   lcdcls();
   sprintf(sbuf, "LCD=%d wi%dxhi%d Font %dx%d",LCDTYPE,LCDmaxX,LCDmaxY,fontwi,fonthi);
   lcdcls(); lcdprint(sbuf);
   // SD card
   sprintf(sbuf, "SD init... ");   Serial.println(sbuf);
   i = initSD();
   if(i==fileIO_ERR_SDCARD) sprintf(sbuf, "SD failed! ERROR ! ");  
   else sprintf(sbuf, "SD OK ! ");   
   curlf();  lcdprint(sbuf);
   sprintf(sbuf, "setup(): done.");
   Serial.println(); Serial.println(sbuf);   
   curlf(); curlf(); lcdprint(sbuf);

void loop(){
   char     sbuf[128];


SPI clock up to 84 MHz

Max SPI speed for Due is 42 MHz even if you set the clock divider higher.

The SAM3X/A embeds high speed pads able to handle up to 65 MHz for HSMCI and SPI clock lines

So the SPI library has this code.

if (clock < (F_CPU / 255)) {
 div = 255;
 } else if (clock >= (F_CPU / 2)) {
 div = 2;
 } else {
 div = (F_CPU / (clock + 1)) + 1;

On Due you will need to slow SdFat, older SD cards only support 25 MHz max.

I use a clock divider of 2 for newer versions SdFat for a SPI speed of 42 MHz on Due.

SD.h uses a clock divider of 21 for a speed of 4 MHz on Due.

Start with a clock divider of 21 with the 1 GB card and increase it until it fails. SPI_HALF_SPEED has the value 4.

Hi fat16lib,

after having maximized the read rate from within my possibilities to hardly 29.477 kByte/s, which is not even half of what I need, I decided to try the SDFormatter tool. Well, my rate dropped down to 28.587, which may not seem much at all, but is a giant loss regarding my needs.
To get a bit more precise, I have exactly 200,000 µs of time to process 45,056 Bits of data and react to some inputs at the same time, while processing means read, iterate over the bits of each read portion (Bytes atm) and write an output pin accordingly, with a precise timing of 4.4 µs each.

So let's change the scale a bit, here's my measuring code:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>         // modified version

File srcFile;

void setup() {
  if (!SD.begin(4, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) {
  srcFile ="eight.three");
  if (srcFile) {
    unsigned long t_start = micros();
    for (int i = 0; i < 5632; i++) {
      byte bla =;
      unsigned long t_end = micros();
      while (!Serial) {
      Serial.print(t_end - t_start);

void loop() {

The output using a "gnome-disks"-fat32-formatted card is: 186588
Same program using the same card, but formatted by SDFormatter4 under Windows (hard inough to manage that ;p ) outputs: 192384
That's a hell of a lot more (recall the 200,000 µs total).

Now here's my actual question: How, if not using a certain formatting tool, will I get this job done in about 100,000 µs?

I actually do need a filesystem btw. I've already had a lot of thoughts about omitting it - finally that's no option. Going raw is a thing I'll definitely try in some other project, though.

Thanks in advance

Arduino Uno, sorry ^^


Your performance problem is not related to format. Single byte read is very slow and SD access has almost nothing to do with read speed. I am not sure why you see a slight difference in read speed, single byte read should be almost independent of the SD or format.

What version of SD.h are you using that accepts "eight.three" as a file name?

You need to read multiple byte into a buffer. You should be able to get a large increase in read speed, at least a factor of ten.

Look at the bench.ino example in SdFat. It can read at up to 400 KB/sec on an Uno.


I ran your example with a correctly formatted SD using SdFat and it printed 76140. Not sure why you get such a long time for single byte read.

I ran bench.ino with a 64 byte buffer and got the following

File size 1 MB
Buffer size 64 bytes
Starting write test, please wait.

write speed and latency

Starting read test, please wait.

read speed and latency

First, thanks for the reply.
It's he SD library that comes with Arduino 1.6.5. The modification I made is to have it accept an optional parameter for SPI speed:
boolean SDClass::begin(uint8_t csPin, uint8_t spiSpeed = SPI_HALF_SPEED)

"eight.three" is just a replacement for the actual file name, a well known 8.3 styled name that I didn't want to be recognized here. Sorry for that.

The bench.ino indeed output something just above 300 kByte/s reading, didn't have time to take a closer look at it, though.
I'll switch to SdFat and try some project related things with it asap. Funny thing btw, running that exact same code I posted before, only using SdFat.h instead of SD.h, I lose another 26 ms (218,180 µs total). Something's weird here, but I'm on it.

Allthough it no longer belongs here, for

Your performance problem is not related to format.

I'm gonna post the results as soon as I'll get some.