Wifi MKR 1010 SoftwareSerial

I'm trying to use dynamixel xl320 on my Arduino wifi mkr 1010 board.

I tried with the dynamixel xl320 library

with SoftwareSerial it works well without any additional circuit connections in Arduino Uno.
However, when I tried the same thing in Arduino Wifi mkr 1010 it keeps giving me an error when uploading
saying that

SoftwareSerial.h: No such file or directory

Anyone knows what's wrong?

Anyone knows what's wrong?

Nothing is wrong, on the SAMD platform you simply don't need that horrible library as almost any pin can be used with hardware serial, called SERCOM on that platform. The class to define this is called Uart, for example Serail1 is defined this way:

Uart Serial1(&sercom5, 13, 14, SERCOM_RX_PAD_3, UART_TX_PAD_2);

void SERCOM5_Handler()

I just want to clarify that the MKR 1010 already has a serial port named Serial1 set up on pins 13 and 14. There is no need to mess with SERCOM to use that port. Just use it like you would any hardware serial port normally.

If you do need additional ports then you can add them following this tutorial:

Somebody have an idea why the pins 13 and 14 don't work? I'm probé whith an oscilloscope but signal no appears but in the serial monitor it's present the transfer . Thanks

Post your code (don't forget the code tags!) and post a complete wiring diagram of your setup!

It´s a very simple code that arduino nano does work, but it is a test to connect nano and mkr (using a level converter)

void setup() {


void loop() {


Pins 13 and 14 are Serial1, not Serial.

FYI, you won't see things you print to Serial1 in Serial Monitor, unless you connect a separate USB to TTL serial adapter to those pins and to your computer.

" z hello world" it works perfectly!! Thank you very much for your help

z hello world_opt.jpg

You're welcome. I'm glad to hear it's working now. Enjoy!