Greenhouse irrigation system

Web interfaces is really not my thing :slight_smile:
A cloud service like Thinkspeak realy helps so I don't need to write the web code.

On my local server I use Sqlite (very lightweight database), Gnuplot (ugly graphs :slight_smile: ) and Python/C.

My last weather station was build with a Atmega1284 (lots of RAM) and Sparkfun weather meters. Communication was made with 433Mhz radio.
Because the wind meter broke I replaced everything with the current much simpler solution (ESP8266 without wind sensors).

For now I don't have any current projects.
The long winter in Sweden approaches so it's time to start something new.

Maybe "Irrigation system 2.0" is next. I then need to make a web interface.

Do you have any advice on something I could use to make a webpage that is simple?
I have thought about using Python and Falcon framework.
