Obstacle Avoiding Robot with L293D

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I want to write a code with Ardiuno Uno.I had changed the code which i wrote before.There is a problem.The problem is that if robot's motor catch a obstacle,motors always will run because sensor is not see the any obstacles which is behind the sensor.But i did not want this.I want to all motors stop and run backward until 1 second.What do i do?

Now,i have tried to work following code:

#include <AFMotor.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include <NewPing.h>
#define TRIG_PIN A4 
#define ECHO_PIN A5 
#define MAX_SPEED 180  
#define COLL_DIST 40 
#define TURN_DIST COLL_DIST +20 
NewPing sonar(TRIG_PIN, ECHO_PIN); 

AF_DCMotor motor1(1, MOTOR12_1KHZ); 
AF_DCMotor motor2(4, MOTOR12_1KHZ); 
Servo servo; 
const int led = 15;
int leftDistance, rightDistance;
int curDist;
int speedSet = 0;

void setup() {


void loop() {
 Serial.println("START FORWARD");
 if (readPing()<COLL_DIST){
   Serial.println("Collision Detected");


void changePath() { 
 rightDistance = readPing(); 
 leftDistance = readPing();

void compareDistance()  
 if (leftDistance>rightDistance) 
 else if (rightDistance>leftDistance)

int readPing() {
 unsigned int uS = sonar.ping();
 int cm = uS/US_ROUNDTRIP_CM;
 Serial.println(" cm");
 return cm;

void moveStop() {

void accelerateForward() {
 Serial.println("Start Forward");
 for (speedSet = 0; speedSet < MAX_SPEED; speedSet +=2)

void turnRight() {
 Serial.println("Turn Right");

void turnLeft() {
 Serial.println("Turn Left");

void turnAround() {
 Serial.println("Turn Around");