want to see assembly output from C++ compiler

Actually, it looks like I was able to partially answer my own question. Instead of modifying the compiler options to produce an assembly listing, I discovered that I can use objdump.exe (included in the Arduino distribution) to disassemble the object file that the compiler generated. I'm using Windows, so I went into a command prompt, and added c:\arduino-0006 to my PATH:


Then I went into the Applet directory beneath my project and ran objdump:

c:\arduino-0006\tools\avr\avr\bin\objdump.exe -x -d -S morse_buddy.cpp.o >morse_buddy.asm

This created my assembly listing, interspersed with the original C++ code. This should give me a clue how to write my own embedded assembly code inside my C++ code.

I would still be interested in knowing how to tweak the compiler options, though, in case anybody knows... thanks!

  • Don