Option to have darker fonts

From an old fart here... Could we have a higher contrast font choice for texts? An option for those of us that don't see as well as we used to would be very helpful. For instance, IDE comments are difficult to read as they are a light grey text on a white background. Nothing fancy, just the ability to make the IDE text more readable. Or maybe just a higher contrast theme--whichever is easier. Thanks.

You can customize the theme the Arduino IDE uses, which allows you to chose the text and background colors you prefer. I have documented the various theme properties here and provided a library you can use to test custom themes here:

please let me know if you have any questions about that information.

The Arduino IDE now has a nice feature that allows you to install custom themes to your sketchbook folder:

This is a good idea because if you leave the custom theme inside of the Arduino IDE installation folder, it will be lost every time you update to a new version of the Arduino IDE.