U8glib: Graphics Lib for LCDs and OLEDs

I'm making an Arduino shield for this LCD, so I'd be thrilled to see these changes make it upstream. It would be nice to point folks to u8glib. I really appreciate the work you're doing to unify the graphics libraries. I'll match the pin mapping with the u8glib default pins.

To see graphics I had to change the contrast in ug8_dev_st7576_lm6059.c, line 70 from

 0x018 /* contrast value*/


 0x005, /* contrast value*/

I have tried the U8GLIB_DOGM128 constructor. The default contrast was also poor, so I changed the contrast in u8g_dev_st7565_dogm128.c, line 59 from

 0x018,	/* contrast value, EA default: 0x016 */


 0x005, /* contrast value, EA default: 0x016 */

A contrast of 0x005 in the DOGM128 constructor seems a little more washed out than the LM6059 constructor.

I've cloned your google code repo and I'm able to run ...arduino/create_release.sh. Do you want to make the changes in there and I'll test it? I can also rewire my setup to be consistent with your library.