Arduino and Mosfet module

Why is arduino running ? I did not send the signal to turn mosfet on


OP's image


? why is arduino on , and mosfet is off

Your circuit looks wrong

Shouldn't the battery go to VIN on the MOSFET module and the V- and V+ terminals supply power when the signal pin is taken HIGH ?

It would help if you described what you are trying to do

So everything is turned off

I will add a button , which when i hold it will direct power the arduino from battery , until it turns the Mosfet ON

And after 2 minits i added in code , arduino turns the Mosfet OFF , and everything is off , so no power consuption ...

I will add a button , which when i hold it will direct power the arduino from battery , until it turns the Mosfet ON

Please post a diagram of your complete circuit

Noting what I said in reply #5, are you sure that VIN and GND of the MOSFET module should be connected to VIN and GND on the Arduino ?

I connected it now like you said and same

When i connect the battery wires arduino is ON , but it need to be off right ? because there is no signal to turn it on

My only problem is why is arduino always ON ?
Mosfet is like relay right ? When i give signal (power) to coil then it turns on

But here it is always on !

Look , arduino works , and there is no input , to turn mosfet on

Take the Arduino out of the circuit until you know what you are doing. The picture in reply #9 shows the battery connected between V+ and V-. Why ?

Only difference is , there is arduino and no motor ,...

In the picture in reply #9 your battery is connected to V+ and V-

In the diagram in post #11 the power is connected to VIN and GND

Spot the difference

I tried both cases , and same happens

Nvm , i will use relay, with relay works normal..

thanks anyway :slight_smile: