Project 10 - What is the benefit of using an H-Bridge?


First off, thank you for your help! I'm new to Arduino and working my way through the Starter Kit. My goal is to eventually make a solar powered robot.

Project 10 utilizes the L293D H-Bridge to send signals to the DC motor. However, it takes up 3 GPIO pins on the arduino. Conversely, project 9 doesn't use an HBridge and requires only one GPIO pin. Even if I were to drive two motors on my robot without an H-Bridge, I would have one pin available for other cool stuff (blinky LED's - mandatory in every cool robot).

My question is: What is the benefit of using an H-Bridge?

As a follow up question: I've noticed some people using continuous servos to maneuver their robots. Under what circumstances would I use a continuous servo instead of a motor?


In the description in the beginning of the chapter, it says H bridges can switch polarity. You need this for this project since you make the motor switch spinning directions.

arduino uno has at least 11 digital pins if you run out of pins you need to graduate to the Arduino Mega 2560