Implementation of MicroPython

I sent an email to to request information regarding the implementation of MicroPython.

The answer was that MicroPython basic tutorials for Portenta H7 will be available very soon from the Arduino IDE library and website.

That was a month ago, I still check tutorial pages every day.

Does anyone have an update about the implementation of Micropython on Portenta H7?

I don't think things are very positive on this front. Checkout. I am interested in the Javascript but I have this bad feeling that hasn't even been started.

Hello cabuck,

check this:

I have not tested it yet ...

At least this question is answered.

For programming the Portenta using microPython you need this OpenMV IDE. Yes an entirely different IDE, Download | OpenMV

Be careful I think you need to convert the Portenta bootloader to a new version (see the examples) before using this or you could get into a permanent bootloader loop, If you have never done that before on a microcontroller it is be really bad.

The new IDE is for using the new PortentaVisionShield but I think you can use it with just the portenta, (not fully sure). Anyone having any success with it?

... but I think you can use it with just the portenta, (not fully sure). Anyone having any success with it?
I could run a minimal MicroPython Script on the Portenta (the hardware HelloWorld) according to the OpenMV Tutorial. But I can't start the Script without the OpenMV IDE.
When you are connected via OpenMV, you have mounted the "filesystem" from the Portenta. But it is without any structure. There is only the root directory available, not things like /flash etc.
On the pyboard, there is a script, then you can copy your script on the drive. I expected this base structure:
and the I would upload my
After booting, the script is executed and then your main script is started.
How exactly runs MicroPython on the Portenta?

If needed, where can I find the
Is there also a /flash directory needed or can one copy this files on root?
Does Arduino officially support MicroPython on the Portenta?
In my mind, the Arduino Portenta story is a bit handcraft and it makes not really a professional impression. Let us wait for better times :wink:


... but I think you can use it with just the portenta, (not fully sure). Anyone having any success with it?

I agree with your findings. I would like to be able to drag a to the folder and have it run. Have it run both when USB connected and on battery power. It does not seem to load away from the openMV IDE. I think it can, just not used to the systems yet.

There is a whole new forum at

Not yet sure how I feel about the whole farming out micropython to a different company. Feels to easy for both companies to say "That's not my job." I have a similar concern about the new PortentaVisionShield. See new post.

jerteach did a good job! I give her a summary of your steps on Facbook's Portenta group in the way I implemented them.

  • Download unzip the new firmware from
  • Connnect the OpenVM IDE with your Portenta
  • From the OpenVM IDE load the new firmware to the Portenta:
    tools > Bootloader (Load Firmware)
  • Browse to the unzipped firmware.bin file (E:\tools\OpenMV_IDE_2_6_5\share\qtcreator\firmware\PORTENTA\firmware.bin) on my environmet
  • Run
    I did not enable "Erase internal filesystem"
  • Copy a MicroPython file on the portenta drive(I used the embedded hello world)
  • Disconnect and close your IDE
  • Press Portentas Reset Button

And now the LED flashes like expected!