New Ticker (Timer) Library

Thanks for the continual refinement of your library. Hopefully in time it will allow code to be universal for any board like UNO or ESPs.

Following is some feedback on what I have discovered on 2 different windows 10 PCs. Today I even upgraded the IDE on both PCs from 1.8.3 to the latest 1.8.5 to see if that would make a difference.

Now when I run your example using your version 3.1 it compiles and runs fine on a UNO BUT when I try it on a ESP01, which has a different processor internally, I get the following compile errors:

In the IDE I selected Tools/Board: Generic ESP8266 Module and using Example.ino

Line 12 error: no matching function for call to 'Ticker::Ticker(void (&) () , int, int)'
Ticker timer1(printmessage, 0, 1);

is this a problem in one of your 'h' or 'cpp' files

I noticed during the clean installation of IDE 1.8.5 that after I go into Preferences and set 'Additional Boards ...' to find that the competing Library Ticker for ESP loads and its example files are now available under Files/Examples/Examples for Generic ESP8266

Look forward to your comments