Arduino making USB disconnected noise about every 2 seconds

Hello all,

I seem to be having an issue with my Arduino of some sorts but I can not find out what is causing it.

So, when a servo is connected to the Arduino, the 'L' button will flash rapidly about 3 times and the one button will quickly blink/ become more dark. The servo will jitter in relation to the on button blinking and when the servo jitters my laptop will make that noise that a USB has been disconnected. I have tested with 3 different servos, and the code runs fine and everything when the servo is disconnected.

Here is the code just in case thats where the issue is coming from.

#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
int pos = 90;

void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // setup pin 13 as output
Serial.begin(9600); // begin serial communication

/* Function to flash LED for a specified number of milliseconds */
void blinkLED(int n) {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // turn the LED
delay(n); // wait for n milliseconds
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // turn the LED off
int laser = 13;

/* Fires laser for n milliseconds */
void fireLaser(int n)
digitalWrite(laser, HIGH); // Set laser pin to +5V
delay(n); // Delay for n milliseconds

Serial.print("Fire!"); // Print string

digitalWrite(laser, LOW); // Set laser pin to 0V
delay(500); // Delay 500 milliseconds
} // end fireLaser()

void moveservop(int n)
pos += n; // Increment position by 1 point (-0.5 deg)
//printPosition(pos); // Print updated servo position to serial monitor

void moveservom(int n)
pos -= n; // Decrement position by 1 point (+0.5 deg)
//printPosition(pos); // Print updated servo position to serial monitor

void loop() {
char c =; // Read serial input character

if (c == ' ') // If spacebar pressed
fireLaser(200); // Fire laser diode
} // end if

if (c == 'a' && pos <= 179) // If 'a' pressed and position not already at 180
moveservop(1); // Move servo
if (c == 'd' && pos >= 1) // Otherwise if 'd' pressed and position not already at 0
moveservom(1); //Move servo

Thank you all in advance!
