Setting up the second SPI port on the Arduino Uno

That wasn't too hard. Example:

Example of USART in SPI mode on the Atmega328.

Author:   Nick Gammon
Date:     12th April 2012
Version:   1.0

Licence: Released for public use.

Pins: D0 MISO (Rx)
      D1 MOSI (Tx)
      D4 SCK  (clock)
      D5 SS   (slave select)  <-- this can be changed

 Registers of interest:
 UDR0 - data register
 UCSR0A – USART Control and Status Register A
     Receive Complete, Transmit Complete, USART Data Register Empty
 UCSR0B – USART Control and Status Register B
     RX Complete Interrupt Enable, TX Complete Interrupt Enable, Data Register Empty Interrupt Enable ,
     Receiver Enable, Transmitter Enable
 UCSR0C – USART Control and Status Register C
     Mode Select (async, sync, SPI), Data Order, Clock Phase, Clock Polarity
 UBRR0L and UBRR0H - Baud Rate Registers - together are UBRR0 (16 bit)

const byte MSPIM_SCK = 4;
const byte MSPIM_SS = 5;

// sends/receives one byte
byte MSPIMTransfer (byte c)
  // wait for transmitter ready
  while ((UCSR0A & _BV (UDRE0)) == 0)
  // send byte
  UDR0 = c;
  // wait for receiver ready
  while ((UCSR0A & _BV (RXC0)) == 0)
  // receive byte, return it
  return UDR0;
}  // end of MSPIMTransfer

// select slave, write a string, wait for transfer to complete, deselect slave
void spiWriteString (const char * str)
  if (!str) return;  // Sanity Clause
  char c;

  // enable slave select
  digitalWrite (MSPIM_SS, LOW);
  // send the string
  while (c = *str++)
    MSPIMTransfer (c);
  // wait for all transmissions to finish
  while ((UCSR0A & _BV (TXC0)) == 0)

  // disable slave select
  digitalWrite (MSPIM_SS, HIGH);
  }  // end of spiWriteString
void setup()
  pinMode (MSPIM_SS, OUTPUT);   // SS
  // must be zero before enabling the transmitter
  UBRR0 = 0;
  UCSR0A = _BV (TXC0);  // any old transmit now complete
  pinMode (MSPIM_SCK, OUTPUT);   // set XCK pin as output to enable master mode
  UCSR0C = _BV (UMSEL00) | _BV (UMSEL01);  // Master SPI mode
  UCSR0B = _BV (TXEN0) | _BV (RXEN0);  // transmit enable and receive enable
  // must be done last, see page 206
  UBRR0 = 3;  // 2 Mhz clock rate
  }  // end of setup

void loop()
  spiWriteString ("hello, world!");
  }  // end of loop

Screenshot in operation:

The stuff in setup configures the USART.

spiWriteString shows the general idea of using it ... you select the slave (if wanted), then repeatedly call MSPIMTransfer to transfer each byte. It waits for the last one to finish (so we can deselect SS in an orderly way).

MSPIMTransfer sends/receives one byte - blocking.