Arduino Android Bluetooth File Transfer

Is it possible to transfer a text file that is created by the Arduino (lets say stored on an microSD card using the microSD shield) via bluetooth (RN-42) to an Android device (tablet)?

I don't know if it is possible to send a file, but you can do with another approach.

How about this.

On the Arduino side:
Open the file --> read the data --> send the text via bluetooth-->

PC side:
--> Recieve the data --> use program like Gobetwino --> collect the data --> output the data to a file

you think its possible something like this:


RecordData --> Transmit



if we can't tx/rx files, like you said, maybe open the file and send the strings, line by line ??

has anyone attempted this?

I don't know if it is possible to send a file, but you can do with another approach.

How about this.

On the Arduino side:
Open the file --> read the data --> send the text via bluetooth-->

PC side:
--> Recieve the data --> use program like Gobetwino --> collect the data --> output the data to a file

Gadgets og teknologi | Dansk Tech Blog - Mikmo

whats the difference between softserial and newsoftserial?

and softwareserial

whats the difference between softserial and newsoftserial?

whats the difference between softwareserial and newsoftserial?

The original SoftwareSerial class was not very good. Mikal Hart created NewSoftSerial as an alternative. The NewSoftSerial class was a great improvement over SoftwareSerial.

So, the Arduino team replaced the obsolete SoftwareSerial with the new and improved NewSoftSerial, but kept the old name, starting with 1.0.

Have u succeded in transfering data from arduino to android?

So what is the best way to transfer a txt file from microSD?

From what I see it seems that SPP profile (sending data using tx/rx) seems to be the only way.

Thus at the fastest (115200 baud)

-> 115200 baud is 115200 bits per second (if i'm not mistaken)

since there is 8 bits in a byte..... that's 14400 bytes per second.
since there is 1024 bytes in 1KB ...... that's 14.0625 KB per second.
since there is 1024 KB in 1 MB ..... it'll take 72.82 seconds load 1 MB.

Which seems slow... especially relative to other bluetooth profiles right?

Hi i'm a sutudent working on a simila project: send file (jpeg) stored on an arduino micro sd card shield to an android phone via bluetooth
I'm using arduino uno, HC-05 bluetooth and a micro sd card shield.
any help please

any help please

You have posted no code.
You have not explained what the code you didn't post actually does.
You have not explained what you expect the code that you didn't post to do.

So, no.

Hi PaulS, this is my sketch:

#include <SD.h>

char val;
File myFile;

void setup() {


// see if the card is present and can be initialized:
if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
Serial.println("Card failed, or not present");
// don't do anything more:

void loop()
myFile = "/sdcard/pic.jpg";
val =;
case 'snap': // "snap" sent from android device to arduino via bluetooth to start the sending process


From android side i currently developping a thread to receive the data (jpeg file) sent from arduino.

1/send "snap" to arduino
2/start listening data sent by arduino
3/close listening.
4/display picture on device screen

      case 'snap': // "snap" sent from android device to arduino via bluetooth to start the sending process

Single quotes are for single characters. Please post a picture of your keyboard with the snap key circled.


Why are you sending the name of the file?

4/display picture on device screen

You are going to show a picture of the name of the file? How interesting will that be?
