Call function from an array

Hello everyone,

is it some how possible to call funktion from an array?

What i want to do is a Systemcheck depending on some events which happens. These events write data in an Array

char* syscheck[] = {"Timer" , "Sensor"};

syscheck now has the names of the funkctions which should be called.

Do i have to check every entry per hand and when it is in the array call the function "per hand" or can i somehow do a call direktly?


PS my english is bad, so sorry for it :~

Yes, you can have an array of function pointers, but these are not the same as strings.

Example of function pointer array:

Thanks for the quick answers,

i tried to work as the exaple shows, but always get

invalid conversion from 'void ()() to 'void'

when i try compiling it with arduino

Thanks for the quick answers,

i tried to work as the exaple shows, but always get

invalid conversion from 'void ()() to 'void'

when i try compiling it with arduino

There were multiple examples, so without seeing the exact code you are using and what line that refers to, it's a bit difficult to say...