Uno + Ethernet Shield to PHP

Is the information above shows that the arduino and php are connected?

The Arduino and the server where the php script is running connected, the php script was executed, and generated some output. The server sent that output back to you.

If yes, I don't know how to control the servos using button on php web.
Help me please

I think you are going about this all wrong. Typically, the Arduino serves up a page, containing a form with submit items. The client renders the page, and the user does something that triggers a submit item which triggers the action script. That script usually performs another GET to the server (the Arduino) containing additional information, which the Arduino parses to determine what to do.

There is nothing in the output that you showed that indicates that you made a useful GET request from the Arduino as client. All that is is an index listing from a directory, typically generated when you do not properly specify a script name, and there is an index.php script in the directory.

We'd need to see your Arduino code, and understand how you think a client is going to get useful information from the server.